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Built in 1866 this mansion was remodeled in the 1880's incorporating many elements of the Second Empire architectural style that were showcased in the Paris expositions of 1855 and 1867. Notably the mansard roof with Oeil de Boeuf molded dormers, modillion cornices, drop siding with quoined corners and fluted columns with Temple of the Winds capitals. In 1903 the house became the main building of the Rugby Academy High School, which closed in 1970. Thereafter, it fell victim to neglect and the elements and was slated for demolition by 1977, when it was bought by architect Lee Connell and moved forward on the lot to its present location on St. Charles Avenue. After four decades and several Owners the house again had fallen into disrepair and faced many "Demolition By Neglect" citations by the Historic District Landmarks Commission and violation of the "Facade Servitude" granted to a previous owner by the Preservation Resource Center .

THE PROJECT:  Koch and Wilson Architects was retained by the new Owner to restore the exterior facades, which included replacing the two-story front porch. The facades were measured and detailed drawings and specifications produced in accordance with National Park Service standards for preservation of historic buildings. Repair of existing elements wherever possible and using in-kind material and profiles to match existing was required and the Work had to be executed by qualified personnel in every trade. 

Anchor 1
A2 Facade Elevations
A3 Front Porch Plans & Details
A4 Front Porch Sections & Details
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